Heart 2 Art Feedback FormThank you for your time and feedback Name (optional) First Name Last Name Email (optional) Phone (optional) (###) ### #### Who is your Creative Mentor/s? Are you enjoying your sessions? Yes No If No, would you like to share why? Are you happy with the level of service you are receiving from Heart 2 Art? Yes No If No, would you like to share why? Are you happy with the progress you are making towards your goals? Yes No Would you like to reassess your creative workshop goals with your Creative Mentor? Yes No Is there anything else we should know about your goals? Are you happy with the level of explanation for the activity that your Creative Mentor planned? Yes No Are the activities challenging enough? Yes No Do we listen carefully enough? Yes No What have you enjoyed MOST about your experience with Heart 2 Art? What have you enjoyed LEAST about your experience with Heart 2 Art? Is there one improvement you could suggest, what would it be and why? Do you have any additional comments or feedback for us? May we contact you to follow up on these responses? Yes please No thank you Thank you for your time and feedback.